Unit 1 Extra Study Material (1a)

Want more information?

Try these sites:

Videos about the Unit 1 Conversation Skill:
Watch Daniel from the English Help Desk act out some good and bad examples of follow-up questions. He is funny and has some good pointers.

In this video by Paper English-English, Danny explains more about follow-up questions. She shows some good examples of common follow-up questions. She also talks about
rejoinders, but she calls them reaction words.

Websites to help you learn more about the skill:
This has more examples of rejoinders and follow-up questions.

Videos about the Unit 1 Topic:
Here is a video that shows you everything you want to know about Okayama's Naked Man Festival.

Learn about Okayama city's demon dance festival.

Websites to help you learn more about the topic:
A calendar of events in Okayama Prefecture.

A list of all the public holidays in Japan.

Listening practice to help you with the Speaking Test:
English Listening Lesson Library Online.
This site has a lot of listening activities you can do on your own.
In this lesson; listen to six people talk about their favorite holiday in their home country.